General Conditions for Participation in Fairs & Exhibitions

1. Application and Conclusion of Contract
Applications to exhibit at this exhibition must be made on the official printed Application Form, which must be accurately completed and signed in a legally effective manner. Such an application constitutes a contractual offer to the organiser. By signing this form, the General Conditions for Participation in the Exhibition are recognised as binding by the applicant, who is also responsible and liable for adherence to the said conditions.

2. Modification
The organiser reserves the right to cancel, postpone or relocate the exhibition, to shorten or lengthen the exhibition. A withdrawal from the contract resulting from these actions will not be accepted.

3. Admission and Stand Space Confirmation
Admission of exhibitors and listed exhibits is a matter for the sole discretion of the organiser, who will confirm same in a written stand space confirmation. The contract comes into force by admission. Reservations or conditions stipulated in the application are invalid without the written confirmation by the organiser. For materially justifiable reasons, especially should the available space be inadequate, the organizer may exclude individuals or suppliers from participation and/or restrict the event to specific groups of exhibitors or suppliers if deemed necessary for attaining the aim and purpose of the event The organiser is also entitled to restrict the listed exhibits and to effect alterations to the exhibition space for which application has been made. Admission applies only to the listed exhibits, which the exhibitors has specified in the application and the space stated therein. Other items than those listed and admitted cannot be exhibited.

4. Allocation of Space
Allocation of space will be made in accordance with the theme and arrangement of the fair of exhibition concerned and subject to the space available. Location requests made in the application form will be considered as far as possible. Order of receipt of applications will not be the sole deciding factor for the allocation of space. The organiser is entitled, if necessary, to alter the size, shape and position of the allocated space. He will notify exhibitors of the necessity for such alteration immediately and, if possible, offer a comparable space elsewhere in the exhibition. If this entails an alteration in the stand rental, reimbursement or additional payment shall result, Exhibitors are entitled to withdraw their application within one week of receipt of such notification; neither party may claim compensation. Exhibitors must accept that the location of other stands at the beginning of the fair or exhibition may have altered since the time of admission; no claim may be made on account of such alterations. Exchange of the allocated space with that of another exhibitor or transfer to a third party, even only in part, is not allowed without the permission of the organiser.

5. Co-exhibitors
Responsibility for ensuring that co-exhibitors fulfill all their commitments shall rest with the principal exhibitor.

6. Stand Rental Fee, Terms of Payment, Lien
Stand rental fees are shown on this application form. Payments must be made in accordance with the terms of payment and dates as mentioned on the Invoice for the allocated space. The allocated space can only be occupied after full payment. Complaints about the invoice will only be considered if they are submitted within 14 days of invoicing. The organizer is entitled to exercise their right of lien and sell any retained property on the open market after written notice of intention. No liability will be accepted for damage to seized items unless deliberate or caused by gross negligence

7. Advertising
Advertising of all kinds is allowed only within the area rented by the exhibitor for the exhibitor’s own firm and only for items produced or distributed by him, insofar as these have been listed in the application form and admitted. The use of apparatus and equipment to increase the advertising effect by optical or acoustical means requires the written consent of the organiser. Advertising of a political nature is forbidden.

8. Photography
The organizer is entitled to have photographs, drawings and films made of the exhibition, exhibits and exhibition constructions and stands and to use these for publicity or press purposes without exhibitors being able to object for any reason. This also applies to photographs produced directly by the press or television with the consent of the organiser. For photographs of exhibition stands against payment, exhibitors shall only use photographers authorized by the organiser and in possession of a relevant permit. Only these exhibition photographers may be commissioned to take photographs before or after the official daily opening hours. Other photographers are not admitted during these hours.

9. Cancellation of Admission or Stand Space Confirmation
The organiser Is entitled to revoke confirmation of admission and re-let the space elsewhere as follows: • The stand has not been occupied in good time, i.e at least in the evening of the day before the official opening of the event. • In case of failure to pay the stand rental at the agreed time, the exhibitor is allowed a period of grace granted by the organizer. • The conditions for the space confirmation are not any longer fulfilled by the registered exhibitor or if the organiser receives knowledge of reasons could have justified exclusion if they had been disclosed earlier. • The exhibitor violates the site regulations. The organiser reserves in such cases the right to claim for damage.

10. Exclusion of Exhibits
The organiser is entitled to demand the removal of items, which have not been listed in the application form or prove to be dangerous or cause annoyance or are otherwise unsuitable. If this demand is not complied with, these items will be removed by the organiser at the expense of the exhibitor.

11. Stand Assembly, Equipment and Design
• Exhibition Stands must conform to the overall layout of the exhibition. • The organiser reserves the right to reject the erection of exhibition stands, which are unsuitable or to alter them at the exhibitor’s expense. • Stands must be properly equipped and manned by qualified personal at the specified times for the entire duration of the fair or exhibition. • Stand fitting must be completed latest by the end of the period allowed for stand assembly. • Removal of exhibits or dismantling of stands before the end of the fair or exhibition is not permitted. • The approval of the organiser is needed if any stand construction exceeds the specified height limits for stands. • Consent is also needed for particularly heavy exhibits. Fixing to the hall floor is not permitted. • After the official closing of the fair or exhibition, basic items insofar as these have been provided by the organiser must be returned undamaged and in their original condition. • Damage caused through negligence or not immediately notified at the time of occurrence must be indemnified by the exhibitor. • Exhibits which still remain at the stands after the end of the period allowed for dismantling may be removed and stored at the exhibitor’s own expense.

12. Force Majeure
If the exhibitor is prevented from participating in the event for reasons for which neither he nor the organiser is responsible (force majeure), the stand rental shall be reduced by half in accordance with the terms of Clause 6. If the organizer is prevented by force majeure from holding the event, he is required to notify the exhibitors accordingly without delay. Basically, the claim to stand rental is voided, but the organiser may charge the exhibitor for works carried out following his orders to the extent of the costs incurred. Should the organiser be in a position to hold the event at a later date or another venue, he is likewise required to notify the exhibitor to this effect without delay. The exhibitor is entitled to cancel his participation in the event of a new time or venue within one week of receiving such notification. If the organiser is compelled to curtail or cancel an event for reasons of force majeure after it has commenced, the exhibitor has no claim to any refund or cancellation of the stand rental.

13. Exhibitor Passes
A limited number of exhibitor passes will be issued to exhibitors and their employees for the period of the fair or exhibition. These passes will be made out In the name of the persons concerned. They are not transferable and only valid in conjunction with an identity card. Misuse of the passes will lead to their withdrawal.

14. Supervision
The organiser will arrange for general supervision in the exhibition centre. This shall not affect the liability provisions of Clause 16. Exhibitors are strongly recommended to make their own arrangements for the security of their stands and exhibition items and affect appropriate insurance cover. Valuable items which can be easily removed should be locked away at night and when not attended. Additional stand supervision is available at the exhibitor’s own expense by using the service contractor engaged by the organiser.

15. Liability, Insurance, Accident Prevention
The organizer is liable to the exhibitor and persons authorized to act on his behalf for demonstrable damage incurred during the event in the exhibition centre up to a limit of US$ 5,000 only if such damage is caused by the negligence of the organizer or his staff. The said limit does not apply in cases of deliberate damage or gross negligence. For damage resulting from failure of equipment, operational failures or other incidents having an adverse effect on the event, the organiser is only liable in case of deliberate intent or gross negligence. The organiser is not liable for any damage, theft or loss of exhibits and stand equipment and consequential damage. The exhibitor is liable to the organiser in accordance with statutory regulations. Exhibitors are strongly recommended to take out exhibitors’ liability insurance. The exhibitor is obliged to fit the exhibited machinery and equipment with safety devices complying with the accident prevention rules of the appropriate professional associations. The organiser is entitled to prohibit the exhibition or operation of machinery and/or equipment at his discretion.

16. Protection of Industrial Property
Protection of copyright or other patent rights of exhibits is the responsibility of the exhibitor.

17. Site Regulations, Contravention
Exhibitors shall agree to accept the site regulations during the fair or exhibition in all parts of the exhibition centre. The instructions of the organiser’s authorized employees must be strictly complied with. Non-Compliance with the General Conditions for Participation or instructions within the framework of the site regulations shall entitle the organizer, if such contravention continue after notice has been given, the immediate closure of the stand at the exhibitor’s own risk and expense and without claim to compensation.

18. Place of Fulfillment and Jurisdiction is the Kingdom of Bahrain.